Nearly Done With 2020
This is my first update in some time. The past few months, like the spring and summer, have been extraordinarily busy. The market for numismatic material is exceptionally strong, and my role as cataloguer for Heritage Auctions has kept me more than fully occupied. Unfortunately, that comes at the expense of Jacob Lipson Rare Coins.
The Bob R. Simpson Collection has taken up most of my time. I have been hard a work cataloguing the single finest and most complete collection of patterns ever assembled. That’s no exaggeration. It has been an absolute treat. Part I and II of the Simpson Collection alone have already realized in excess of $23 million with plenty more to come. I have also had the pleasure of cataloguing Don Partick’s Connecticut Copper collection, arguably the finest of its kind. Again, an honour and a delight to handle. It’s been an unparalleled learning opportunity and a highlight of my career.
As I am sure most of you well know, the lack of coin shows has led to a boom in auction prices realized, putting collectors up against dealers for anything new or interesting. People are sitting at home, bored, with money to burn and collections to add build upon. I can’t stress it enough — if you have material and you are thinking about selling, there’s hardly been a better time in the last five years to offer it up, and if the last nine months have taught us anything, it’s that online is the way to go. If you would like to consign to JLRC and take advantage of our photography, descriptions, and personalized service, please reach out. Consignments and items for outright sale are always wanted.
With that, I hope to share some new material over the coming weeks, particularly toward the end of the month and into the new year, so check back regularly. I wish everyone reading this a happy, and even more importantly, a healthy holiday season. Please do wear your masks and minimize person-to-person contact. The sooner this is over, the better for everyone.
Photos courtesy of Heritage Auctions (